(Updated 24 June 2024)

What is a Debt Management Plan (DMP)?

Debt Management Plan

What is a Debt Management Plan (DMP)?

Simply put, a Debt Management Plan – or a DMP – is a flexible, financial solution that allows you to pay off your unsecured debts at an affordable rate; it is also tailored to your own personal financial circumstances. If you find yourself in financial difficulty due to a temporary change in your circumstances, a debt management plan can be a viable short-term solution for you; conversely, it can be a long-term service for anyone who is struggling with their debts, but their situation will not allow them to engage in any other financial solution.

So, how does a Debt Management Plan work?

If you can imagine consolidating all of your debts under one roof with one monthly payment – you’re almost there. Firstly, you’ll have to work out a budget: take your monthly income then subtract all of your monthly expenses – rent, mortgage, utilities, food, transport, insurances, even savings – which will leave you with an amount left over to pay to your plan. Here’s a quick example:

Income = £1,250.00

Expenses = £1,180.00

Payment amount = £70.00 per month

Your chosen debt management plan provider will then distribute this money to all of your creditors on your behalf, this payment amount is usually agreed and accepted by all of the creditors on the plan. The most important thing to remember is that you will not have to take out more credit to engage in a debt management plan, but you’ll likely have to pay a monthly fee for the service which is usually included within your payment. The debt management plan will then last until all of the debt balances have been cleared.

stopping debt from going further

And the benefits…?

There are many benefits to a debt management plan which is why it is one of the most common financial solutions in the UK.

  • You will only pay what you can afford
  • You won’t have to take out more credit to tackle your debts
  • Interest and charges will more-than-likely be frozen so every bit of money going to the debts will come off the balance
  • You’ll have all of your debts under one monthly payment
  • It will greatly reduce the amount of contact that you receive from your creditors
  • It’s flexible! If you experience a negative change in your circumstances, you can reduce your payments to accommodate, or – if the change is positive – you can increase the amount you pay which will result in your plan ending sooner
  • It’s also non-legally binding so, if you want to cancel the agreement or change financial solutions, you’re not legally tied in

Would a Debt Management Plan be the best solution for me?

That all depends on your situation! You would first want to receive some free debt advice from an FCA-regulated company such as Angel Advance. Obtaining free debt advice is the first step towards taking control of your debts and it will determine whether a debt management plan will work for you.

You can get free debt advice by calling us on 0800 210 0638 or by visiting our free Online Debt Advice Tool

Don’t have an account with us and are looking for debt advice?

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Angel Advance provides online debt advice to get you back on track and make your finances more manageable.

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