If you sign up for solution with Angel Advance to help you manage your debts moving forwards, fees will apply. The fee charged will depend on the solution chosen. Angel Advance charges a monthly fee to administer debt management plans. Fees are included within the monthly payments to the plan. We may also receive referral fees when referring an IVA to our partners.
Debt Relief Orders (DRO’s)
Start taking control of your debts NOW
Complete our free debt advice tool to see if you qualify for a DRO

What is not free?
To find out more about managing your money and getting free and impartial debt advice, visit www.moneyhelper.org.uk, an independent service set up to help people manage their money.
Pay nothing further to your debt and be debt-free in a year.
DROs are only available to people with little in the way of assets (e.g. a car worth less than £4000) and little, or nothing to offer to their debts each month.
You’ll pay nothing more towards your debts and after 1 year, the DRO will end and you’ll be debt-free.
There is no fee to apply, but it can only be arranged by a specialist advisor (an Approved Intermediary) at an authorised firm.
For more information on a DRO, and a full list of all the advantages and disadvantages. Please click here.
How do you apply for a DRO?
Before applying for any debt solution, from any provider, you first need to get debt advice. You should never start a debt solution without first knowing all the options.
It’s impossible to enter a solution with a regulated organisation without getting debt advice first, so any firm that offers to enter you into a solution straight away is probably unregulated and should be avoided.
Most providers will need you to book a telephone appointment so they can give you debt advice. These can be lengthy – usually an hour or more – and not everyone is comfortable discussing their situation with a stranger on the phone. At Angel Advance, we recognise that this can, for some people, be a barrier to getting help, so we have made it as easy and stress free as possible.
Our online service allows you to complete debt advice completely online. You don’t need to speak on the phone unless you want to. You don’t even need to provide a phone number, just your email address so you can save your progress and we can email you a copy of our advice.
At the end of your enquiry, we’ll present you with your options, and let you know which one we recommend for you. You then have the option to apply online, or you can save your progress and come back later, once you’ve taken some time to consider your options.
If you prefer to get help over the phone, you can book a telephone appointment for a date and time to suit to you. We work hard to design our services to suit you and your needs. Talking about debt is never easy, so communicate with us in whichever way makes you most comfortable.
Key advantages of DRO’s:
Key Disadvantages of DRO’s:
Frequently asked questions
If you choose a DRO, you’ll need to speak (either on the phone or by email) to a specialist DRO advisor called an Approved Intermediary. They’ll review your documents to make sure everything is accurate, and you’ll have some information to sign.
Provided you promptly return everything that’s required of you, a DRO application can be submitted within 2 weeks. It usually then takes a matter of days for the Insolvency Service to review and approve the application.
A DRO won’t usually affect an ongoing tenancy but you may struggle to renew/get a new tenancy whilst your DRO is in effect.
Yes, you must include all qualifying debts. Once your DRO is approved you can’t add any debts to it so, if you miss a debt by mistake, you’ll remain responsible for paying it. If the debt takes you above the £50,000 threshold, your DRO may be revoked.
Once your DRO is approved you don’t have to pay anything to your creditors so you can use whatever disposable income you have to save towards a holiday however, this will only be a small amount because you can only have a DRO if you have less than £75 left over each month.
During the 12 months that you’re subject to a DRO, you are protected from further action relating to your debts. Once this period ends, you will be discharged and freed from liability for those debts.
If you enter a DRO, you can’t act as a director or set up a limited company without permission from the court.
Your employment could also be affected if you’re a licensed or certified professional for example, if you’re a solicitor, accountant or insolvency practitioner because it’s likely your professional membership will be terminated. You’ll need to speak to your HR department, or professional body before proceeding.
If you’re planning to apply for a role in finance or security your DRO may affect your employment prospects as these types of roles will usually require background checks, including a credit check.
You won’t qualify for a DRO if your car is worth more than £4000 unless it’s been specially adapted for a disability, or is subject to the Motability scheme. If it meets the criteria for a DRO, you’ll be able to keep it.
The full balance of any joint debts will be included in your application and will count towards the £50,000 limit however, the joint party isn’t protected so they will remain liable for the full balance of any joint debts.
Rent arrears are a ‘qualifying debt’ which means they will be included within your DRO and no payments will be made towards the debt. Your landlord can’t take steps to recover the arrears, but they can still evict you from the property. You can’t have an allowance within your budget to repay the arrears however, you can choose to use your disposable income (which will be less than £75 per month) towards your rent arrears.

How We Help You
1. You can get confidential debt advice online or over the phone with us.
2. We’ll recommend the best solutions – completely based on your individual circumstances. We include every available solution in the UK.
3. If you choose a debt solution with us, then we take care of everything. We speak to your lenders and take care of all the paperwork, We do it all for you.
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